eCar Brief

The Safest Places to Drive in the World

12.05.16 - Singapore Skyline

Safety is important and knowing you’re not only protected by your vehicle but also by the right infrastructure and laws in the country you drive in make a huge difference for you to know you’ll have a better chance of arriving home safely. According to the World Health Organization, there is one death on the road every thirty seconds and twenty injuries during this same timeframe. The numbers are staggering for poorer countries that have terrible infrastructures, inadequate laws and vehicles that are built cheaply and without the safety features that we take for granted in more developed countries.

The safest countries to drive in are:

Norway – This country is tenth on the list with 3.8 deaths per 100,000 people. In Norway there were 192 road deaths in 2015, but the helmet laws of this country are inadequate according to WHO. As a country that isn’t densely populated this is a place you’ll be able to enjoy the drive and the scenery with confidence.

Spain – At 3.7 deaths per 100,000 people Spain ranks ninth on the list and has a vastly improved infrastructure for your driving. There are long stretches of open road in between the towns and cities of Spain for you to enjoy the ride and with a total of 1730 deaths in 2015 this country is one you’ll feel safe in.

Singapore/Israel – The WHO deems the drunk driving, speed and child seat laws of Singapore to be inadequate which is alarming for a country that’s as densely populated as it is. Surprisingly enough, both of these countries rate the eighth position with 3.6 deaths per 100,000 people, but the laws needs to be made stricter.

Maldives/Denmark – In the seventh spot these two countries have 3.5 deaths per 100,000 people and are both easy to drive through with mostly open roads except where the larger cities are. For 2015 Denmark had 196 deaths on the road making it a country that offered a low number and one of the safest places for you to drive.

Netherlands – In sixth the Netherlands is an easy choice with 3.4 deaths per 100,000 people and with a larger population than Denmark or Norway there were 574 road deaths in 2015. This speaks to a strong infrastructure and safer vehicles in this country when it comes to the numbers in a more densely populated country.

Switzerland – In the fifths spot we see the mountainous chocolate and watch capital of the world. You can feel relatively safe driving though Switzerland with a report of only 3.3 deaths per 100,000 as a result of vehicle accidents. The infrastructure is strong in this small but densely populated country with only 269 in 2015.

San Marino – San Marino is a microstate located in Italy and has a highly dense population considering its size. In this little area the number is 3.2 road deaths per 100,000 people and only one for all of 2015. There’s a better than average chance you can visit San Marino and get out alive with those numbers.

United Kingdom/Kiribati – The UK has put a ton of work into the infrastructure and safety of its country. There are some areas that are densely populated and others that aren’t, but at 2.9 deaths per 100,000 people the number for 2015 was 1,827 total. Kiribati had the same number per 100,000 but only 3 deaths in 2015 as it’s a tiny island nation.

Sweden – In second comes the country that’s home to the safest driving vehicles in the road. Sweden shows up on this list with only 2.8 deaths per 100,000 and 272 total deaths in 2015. Their strict drunk driving laws and extremely high vehicle safety standards make this one of the safest countries for you to drive in.

Micronesia – The safest country to drive in is Micronesia. This country has only 1.9 deaths per 100,000 people and there were only 2 road deaths in 2015. This is a country with a low population number and has the safest roads in the entire world. Their infrastructure is impressive for a small place with only a few people.

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